DME Charge Screen

Durable Medical Equipment (DME). Many clinics, both large and small, have various products that aid in the rehabilitation process available for patients to purchase. These products can range from resistance bands and kinesio tape to foam rollers and stretch straps. Some practices may even sell crutches, scooters, and wheelchairs.

Regardless of what your clinic sells, there is always a need to track purchases and take patient payments. Most of the time, DME purchases do not need to be listed on a claim form as insurances typically do not reimburse for them. Luckily, TheraOffice has a built-in DME Tool that helps streamline the process of collecting and tracking those payments.

Clinics can simply create CPT codes to represent the various products that they sell. For example, you can label the code with numbers of your choosing, or you can keep it simple and label it the name of the product. While creating the code, you will notice a “DME Charge” checkbox at the bottom of the screen. If this box is checked, TheraOffice can run reports that are specific to those DME codes.

DME CPT Code Creation Screen

After checking a patient in, users have the option to add a DME purchase. When this is done, a separate visit will be created for that date of service. This is done in order to keep the treatment codes being billed for that date of service separate from the DME codes. While in the DME screen, you can take a payment and print a receipt for the patient as well.

DME Charge
DME Charge Screen at Patient Check-In

Have more questions on the DME Tool? View our Patient Supplies/Equipment (DME) guide in the knowledge base or reach out to our support team at 630-455-1863 ext. 2 or [email protected].

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